Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 20, 2008


We went to Gymboree HarbourFront again for the free trial class. Same as last time, Nicole 's only interested in balls, this time is those balls with holes . She grabbed 2 balls and did not want to let go. I made her share the balls with an Indian bb, who is 10-month-old and walking like Nicole... so amazing to see such a small bb walking around...

Overall, she enjoyed the whole class, chasing balls, playing with bubbles and trying different rocking activities... proud to say she's the most active and noisiest girl in the class, oh! and the daddy had no chance to sleep there this time as there were too many people...hahaha

1 comment:

CB said...

Nicole is good and loud!!
Just like me!! :D

Cute indian BB though, hope Cole didn't wack her!! :)